2597. The Number of Beautiful Subsets

Approch 1 : Using Array

class Solution:
    def beautifulSubsets(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        ans = 0

        def checkBeauty(arr, num):
            for e in arr:
                if abs(e - num) == k:
                    return False
            return True

        def backtrack(index, temp):
            nonlocal ans

            if index >= len(nums):
                ans += 1

            if checkBeauty(temp, nums[index]):
                backtrack(index + 1, temp + [nums[index]])

            backtrack(index + 1, temp)

        for index, e in enumerate(nums):
            backtrack(index + 1, [nums[index]])

        return ans

This approch would be useful if we were to get the actual values in subset but for this problem we just need count so we can use set for better retrival.

Approch 2 : Using Set

class Solution:
    def beautifulSubsets(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        ans = 0
        L = len(nums)

        checkBeauty = lambda arr, num: (num + k) not in arr and (num - k) not in arr

        def backtrack(index, temp):
            nonlocal ans

            if index >= L:
                ans += 1

            if checkBeauty(temp, nums[index]):
                backtrack(index + 1, temp | {nums[index]})

            backtrack(index + 1, temp)

        for index, e in enumerate(nums):
            backtrack(index + 1, {nums[index], nums[index]})

        return ans

Here we don't worry about values, instead we collect unique values for the subset to check it's beauty ✌️